Voluntary Services Manager, Midlothian HSCP

Last Updated: March 31, 2022By

Volunteering Opportunities with NHS in Midlothian

NHS Lothian has a proud history spanning more than 30 years of working with volunteers to support our patients and services. Volunteers take on a wide variety of roles in the community and in our hospitals. We are currently recruiting;

Fancy a Blether Befrienders, who will volunteer for 1-2 hours per week, usually meeting in the community to offer company, build confidence and help support the client to engage in local activities such as joining a walking group, art class or going to see a rugby match.

Carer Relief Companions who volunteer in the client’s own home or garden for 2-4 hours each week, offering company to the cared for person, giving their carer some valuable time to themselves. This can involve reminiscing, playing dominos, doing craft, gardening or just chatting (no personal care required).

Ward Helpers at Midlothian Community Hospital who volunteer for 2-3 hours a week, supporting patient care and smooth running of wards. They are a big part of the team supporting mealtimes, and supporting patients to stay active and stimulated. Ward Helpers get to build relationships week on week as many of the older patients or patients with psychiatric illnesses can have quite long stays.

Extra-Care Housing Visitors and Group Activity Leaders at Hawthorn Gardens in Loanhead and Cowan Court in Penicuik, who have some residents particularly keen to chat about or watch football and others looking to enjoy some company and a cuppa .

You can find more information here https://www.nhslothian.scot/GetInvolved/Volunteering/Pages/Volunteering-opportunities.aspx or email loth.communityvolunteersmid@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

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